Monday, November 22, 2010

Portraits and self-portraits - start looking

professional portrait

What makes a good portrait is how it got tooken. There's a good subject in this photo, its not blurry or has nothing particular distracting it but what they want to show you. I think a good photo is made by passion, this was made with passion. I'm going to try and put passion in all of my photos.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

1. The model's neck was made longer, her hair was moved, her eyes were made larger and moved, her face was made thinner, and the color was evened.
2. I don't like the fact that they do this to girls, maybe if they tell the girl, and let her choose weather she wants to be distorted or not, then it might be alright. But I would say no.
3. There is no circumstances for changing the way someone looks.

4. The changes that are okay is putting make up on and making there appearance better for the photo but its not okay to edit everything else like the persons physical features to make there look different with better features.

5. Fashion photography is when photographers take pictures of a women and men, showing off clothing of a company.
6. Photojournalism is related to reality in the sense that it grasps in photos what is taking place in the world around us. In fashion photography it relates to reality in the sense that it shows how we view beauty and how people think reality should be. This affects the ethical practice of each in the sense that they have to be careful of whether what they are changing will completely distort their intent by their photo and if it is an honest photo.

Negatives Evaluation

1)  My photos came out really bad. It was pretty much pitch black.

2)  None of them turned out well. Maybe the one that had the window on it. The reason why it turned that way was because of bad composition.

3)  My slide 14 would be okay cause its the only one that has something in it instead of black everywhere.

4)  What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) did I think are present in my best negative was a little composition. Because it shows the windows, but the students are a little bury.

5)  I think i used the rule of thirds on the photo that came out okay.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Photo Manipulation and ethics

A)     The main points of the story is that manipulations is kinda the same as like april fools. April fools day your basiclly lying to people, But what happened here someone minipulated a photo that worked for the news paper, And eventually got fired for scaring probably a lot of people.

B)      I think that this type of photo editing is acceptable but to a certain point.  For example adding another missile to a military launch is unnacceptable, another country could be bothered by it or the military could be brought to attention for supposebly launching more missiles than they really did.  I think it depends on the viewers level of discretion whether or not a photo is unethical or acceptable

A)   The manipulation that was most unethnical because this never happened. The Daily new decieved people minds by making them think that this really happened when it didn't.

B)    I think this picture is the least unethical because it's basically just a picture, a cover. It doesn't contain people or anything that would make it offensive. They manipulated this picture by moving the pyramids closer together to accommodate this vertical National Geographic cover. I think it doesn't hurt anything by doing that. They just want it to look better the way they think it would.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drug Cartels in Mexico

In this video violence is shown through out so many aspects and some clips that are just plain horrible. I think whats happening in Mexico is tremendously sad and wrong. Its not the way the world should become. Its really wrong for people killing people. whats the point? Why don't they care? People out side of Mexico don't even care and do something. There was two students killed at a university in El Paso, what was the reason for killing two Innocent students? There is also a drug business going on in Mexico. Innocent people are being killed for no apparent reason. Its heartless.

My favorite picture from the video that i took seriously was the young girl with a pink jacket. She had black earrings on and her hair pulled up in the middle of the frame of the picture with bangs in her face. She is looking away from the camera to the left. Eyes wide open with one tear going down her face to where you can almost know what is going through her head. She has a look of hurt upon her face with so much emotion. The reason I really like this photo is because the photographer caught the emotion in her eyes. He showed how the people are feeling in Juarez.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Making a Black and White print

Dark Room
  • Enlargers 
  • Filters 
  • Safe Lights
  • Film Processing Tank
  • Thermometers
  • Print Trays
  • Timers
  • Print Washing Tray
  • Print Tongs

Film Processing Chemicals 

  • Film Developer
  • Stop Bath
  • Fixer  
  • Hypo Clearing Agent
  • Wetting Agent
  • Chemical "Life Span"
  • Chemical Disposal 

3.     First, you have to make sure that there's no light in the room where the process will occur. Than all of the chemicals are set up right, and make sure that you have everything you need. Check the temperature of the chemicals have to be at an accurate temperature. Once you have everything set up you can start the process.
Now you can load the film onto the film reel, and put the film reel into the developing tank. Depending on the temperature of your chemicals that's how long you can keep the film in the chemicals. The order of how you put your film are developer, stop bath, fixer, and than the hypo-clearing agent. Finally put your film in the water for ten minutes than remove the extra water from the film.

1. Emulsion- a composition sensitive to some or all of the actinic rays of light, consisting of one or more of the silver halides suspended in gelatin, applied in a thin layer to one surface of a film or the like.
2. Aperture- an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an instrument.
3. Masking Easel- an upright tripod for displaying something
4. Exposure- the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.
5. Safe Light- a darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films, printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.
6. Dodging- to shade from exposure for a period, while exposing the remainder of the print in order to lighten or eliminate the area.
7. Burning- the baking of ceramic products to develop hardness and other properties.

Post Shoot Reflection

1.     Some of the challenges i had to go through while trying to take a picture are that i had to think about how close to i want the object and figure out how to capture action or emotion. I just thought about what i've have learn in class and put it together to get the picture right.
2.    Focus was really hard for me. I couldn't focus in many of pictures.

3.   I tried to use the avoiding mergers techniques. I didn't want the background to ruin the main part of the picture which was the student working. I tried to avoid them the best i could.

4.   Next time i wouldn't rush to take my photos.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Processing Black and White photos

  • A metal or plastic film tank
  • Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry
  • Graduates (used to measure chemicals)
  • A darkroom timer
  • A can opener
  • A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible).
  • Developer (see other sidebar)
  • Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath)
  • Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended)
  • Hypo Eliminator
  • Developer, which causes the silver iodide of the film or paper emulsion to darken if it has been exposed to light.
  • fixer, which removes the undeveloped silver iodide from the emulsion. 
  • A chemical used to completely stop the development process is called stop bath, and is used between the developer stage and the fixer stage in both b&w film & paper processing. 
  • You can buy these chemicals at any good camera store, if not you can also buy online.  


         First, load your film and mix developer. Second, Mix your developer, stop bath, and fixer in the appropriate quantities and concentrations. Then, check times/temperatures and remove the fill cap on your tank (not the lid). Pour the developer into the tank, replace the fill cap, do 5-10 inversions, and start the timer. Do another 5-10 inversions every minute for the remainder of the development cycle. At 30 seconds, remove the fill cap and prepare to dump the developer. Then at 15 seconds, start pouring the developer out. Then, use the stop bath which only requires 30 seconds. After that, poor in water and wash it. Finally, dump the remaining water from the tank and remove the film reel.

Equipment necessary to process film 


1. Contact sheet: Any print made in which the negative is in physical contact with the paper is a contact print
2. Agitation: Continuous motion of a chemical tank or bath to ensure that the chemical solution inside it is evenly spread across the surface of the film or paper.
3. Enlarger: An apparatus used for making photographic enlargements.
4. Developer: Chemical solution used to render a latent image on film or paper visible.
5. Stop Bath: A chemical bath that stops development of a photographic emulsion.
6. Fixer: Chemical solution used to fix a developed image permanently onto film or a print. If you don’t use fixer then the developed image will vanish when exposed to light.