Friday, March 25, 2011

Sports/Action more details

  • Photographer name: Sam Adams
  • General focus of portfolio: The video was made to show love/pain, because the judges were talking about how there wasn't really any love/pain shown on the photos.
  • List 3 problems that the judges note with the portfolio: They thought that the pictures were of a certain distance, they don't feel the love of the pain in none of the pictures, and there wasn't enough strong single pictures.
  • list 2 things the judges like: background shadows
  • what is your overall impression? what did you like or not like? I personally didn't like how the video was set up. I think that they could of taken better pictures for this because it is kind of confusing to understand what the video is really about
  • What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? The judges liked all of the pictures, they had very good comments about the pictures and I also think that the guy did a good job with this portfolio.
  • What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? He was really creative with his photos and he made them look really nice, but he also had a couple photos that looked the same.
  • They went through all the photos that the people took then said what they had to much/little of or what they could have done to make it better.

  • Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it. The photo I agreed with the judges about was the wave photo. There could have been more action in it that could have made it better.
  • Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. I disagreed with the first photo of the first video. The one of the race car. I actually think the photo was good and the camera positioned in the right place. I thought it was really good and you can tell how fast the race car driver was going.

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